Exchange calendar
Voice for Windows allows you to synchronize calendar data from Microsoft Exchange server. When making or transferring calls to other users, you can view their calendar information to know when they are available. Using Exchange calendar allows you to see your contacts' availability under Directory.
Voice for Windows supports two different authentication methods:
Legacy authentication
Modern authentication
You need to use the authentication method supported by your organization’s Exchange server.
Related settings can be found under File > Settings > Exchange calendar.
Select the option Use Exchange calendar to get started:
Login settings are discovered automatically when you try to login.
Click Login and select your account:
You may need to enter your password.
After that, an approval is required for Voice for Windows app. There are three possible scenarios, depending on your organization’s policy. Your organization’s admin approval may be needed in some scenarios. In case the approval has been granted already, then you will not be asked for approval.
Accept the permissions yourself for the app.
Admin needs to add the app and approve your request. You will need to contact and ask your organization’s admin to add the app and your request before you can use the Exchange calendar functionality.
Admin needs approve your request. This will send a request to your organization’s admin which they need to approve before you can use the Exchange calendar functionality.
After receiving the approval, Exchange status row tells if you are authenticated:
Additional settings
If login fails, you can access additional settings and select the authentication method required.
Modern authentication
You may need to enter your credentials if the automatically found user credentials differ from the ones you wish to use.
Legacy authentication
You can also select Use Windows credentials or alternatively enter the credentials yourself. Automatic address is used by default, but you can enter the address for Exchange server if automatic address fails.
Note: For more information on Exchange calendar, please read the Exchange calendar for admin users.
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