Call cases

Agent can handle call cases on mobile app.

Call cases can be collected from different sources:

  • Missed service calls

  • Dropped service calls

  • Manually created callback cases

Agent notifications

  • Mobile app notifies the agent about new callback cases


  • Callback - Callback occurs when customer calls an organization and leaves a request to call back.

  • Call case - Single customer callback case with phone number, handling status, history and possible additional details. Agent needs to call the customer and handle the call case.

  • Callback list - Source for call cases. Agents may have permissions to a call list and they can then call and handle cases from the list.

  • Handling - A call case may have one of the statuses, such as Closed successfully or Busy. This status affects if the case continues to be offered to the agents.

Call cases can be accessed from bottom menu:

Call cases link.png


All call cases available for you are listed here. You can choose which one to handle. Call cases that are due today are displayed at top. Those are the highest priority call cases that should be called first.

Call cases main view.png
  1. Callback tab - Call cases from various sources,

  2. Call list tab - Call cases imported as a call list

  3. Filtering - Can be used to control which cases are displayed on the list. See below.

  4. Menu - For accessing additional functions such as viewing closed call cases, selecting active lists and handling call cases with multi-select - see below.

  5. Call case on list view

    1. Each call case has a green call button to call the number right away. Clicking elsewhere on the case opens the case details.

    2. Phone number (or a directory contact’s name)

    3. Callback list name

    4. Recording icon indicates that the case has a voicemail recording which can be listened to.

    5. Each call case is displayed with due date and current assignee. Due time is in red if it’s today or earlier.

  6. New call case button creates a new call case.


If Show all cases is disabled, then only unassigned call cases and cases assigned to you are displayed. If enabled then all available cases are displayed.

Display additional field allows you to display any of the call case fields in the list view. You can select either Don’t show, Channel In, Name, Note or Topic. Selecting an additional field lets you see important information already at list view without needing to open the call case every to view the information. By default no field is displayed (Don’t show option).

Sorting has two options

  • Assigned to me - your cases are displayed at top

  • Priority - most urgent cases are displayed at top regardless of assignee

List view with additional fields visible below each call case:


All cases closed successfully by you in last 7 days are displayed here. This view allows you to get back to a case after it’s been closed.


You can select which callback lists you are active in. This is done by selecting the callback lists you wish to receive callbacks from. Adding or removing agents from lists is done on Voice Center.


Multiple call cases can be selected to:

  1. Close unsuccessfully or,

  2. Assign to yourself

New call case

Call case can be created and details given as necessary. Only the list is mandatory detail.

Due date is the time when this case should be called.

Expiry date is the time when the case expires and is closed automatically.

Call item

Call item is divided in to three tabs:


This tab contains all basic information about the call case. Call case has a name, phone number, topic etc. and most fields are optional. If there is an related voicemail message then it is displayed here and can be listened to.

Controls at bottom:

  • Assign to me icon assigns the call case to you. It can be unassigned after that.

  • Call icon in the middle calls the phone number

  • Edit icon opens the details in edit mode where changes can be made and saved.


On Handling tab, the status of the case can be changed. The status can be selected after you have attempted to call this call case. Status selection is also displayed automatically after the call. Optional call note can also be given.

After saving, you can see the given handling status as a call attempt on the History tab.


Full history of the call case can be seen on History tab. All events are displayed here, such as call case creation, call attempts, etc. Oldest event is at the bottom.

Call list

Call list tab lists all call cases which are imported as a call list. For example, all customer’s phone numbers could be imported and called about a new campaign. Call lists can be imported in Voice Center.

All functions and handling are similar to Callback tab as described above.


If you have notifications enabled for the app, you will receive a notification on your phone when there are new call cases. The notifications are displayed about new call cases on the callback lists you are member of.

To receive a notification, the call case must be unassigned. Call cases created by you do not display notifications. Editing a call case does not re-send a notification.

Callback lists must be configured accordingly to receive notifications by Enreach support. By default push notifications don't work.

Optional features

Following features are optional for a callback list and they can be enabled by Enreach support.

Grouping of call cases

Cases from same phone number can be automatically grouped together. Grouping is displayed nested on the list view.

  • Avoid duplicate calls to the same customer

  • Group by caller number

  • Between callback lists and service queues

  • Agent can see and handle the related callback cases

Handling of grouped cases has an option to select how the handling status will be applied to related call cases.

Assisted callback

When on a call, a notification about related call case can be displayed for the user. Call cases related to your recent calls are also highlighted and grouped at top of Callback list.

See more at:

© Enreach, Mannerheimintie 117, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
+358 40 450 3000,