Service queue management, Voice for Android and iOS

This view lists all service queues you have access to. You can select which service queues you are active in, and if you want to receive service calls. Depending on your user permissions, you can manage service queues, and add or remove users, and choose to receive notifications about important queue events.

  1. Receive queue calls switch - Defines if you receive calls from the service queue you have joined and are active in. Your availability affects this, for example, calls are not offered when you are in Do not disturb availability state.

  2. Click to access Queue users view which displays all users who are members in any service queues.

  3. Filter - Queues are by default sorted by queue name, but you can change the sorting order and filter which queues are displayed on the list. See below.

  4. Tabs lists the following queues:
    All - All queues you have access to.
    Active - The queues you are active in.
    Followed - The queues you are following.

  5. Active switch - Your active status in a service queue. Active if the switch is on.

  6. Incoming accepted is displayed as a color in front of queue name:
    Green - calls are accepted
    Red - calls are not accepted
    Yellow - call-specific decision

  7. Queue name - Name of the service queue. Clicking on the queue name opens the Queue details view,

  8. Functions - Menu is opened from the three dots ⋮ symbol. Menu contains functions:
    Join/leave - Join the queue in order to start serving or to set notifications.
    Follow/unfollow - Add the queue to Followed tab.
    Notifications - Set conditions for receiving notifications about the queue. See below.
    Manage - View and edit queue members and their settings in Queue details. See below.

  9. Serving - Agents that are currently active in the queue, are accepting service calls and are available. Talking agents are included.

  10. Active - Total number of agents currently active in the queue and accepting service calls, regardless of their availability or talking status.

  11. Queue length - Number of calls waiting for service. Call is counted as queueing, until it is either answered, ended or transferred onwards.

  12. Max. wait time - Wait time of the caller who has waited the longest for service. Count resets every time caller enters a queue, for example when a call is transferred to another queue.

  13. Notification icon - This queue has notifications set. See Below.

Please note, if your organization is using queue groups, then the queue list may appear different. See below.


With Filter view you can filter which queues are displayed on the list and in which sorting order.

  • Reset to default - Clears all filtering and sorting selections.

  • Search by queue name - You can search with any queue name or part of name.

  • Show technical queues - Display or hide technical queues.

  • Sort all queues in the list by:

    • Queue name - alphabetically ascending order (A to Z)

    • Queue length - longest queues first

    • Max waiting time - longest waiting time first

When filtering is active, the Filter icon above queue list has a green color.


Notification is displayed on your mobile device if the condition is met for the queue. This function is useful to let you know when something requires your attention on the queue. For example, if the queue gets too long, then you might want to add more agents to the queue - or just find out why the queue is long.

Conditions for receiving notifications:

  • Max waiting time - Wait time which triggers a notification.

  • Active agents - Less than or more than a given number of agents.

  • Calls in queue - Less than or more than a given numbers of calls in queue.

Conditions can be removed with Remove button.


  • You must join the queue to be able to set notifications.

  • You can only have one active condition per queue.

  • The notification is displayed only once and then the condition is cleared. If you want the notification to trigger again, you have to re-create the condition.

Queue details

At top bar of queue details view are:

  • Incoming accepted - colored circle in front of the name (see above)

  • Name of the queue

  • Info icon to display the phone numbers attached to the queue

This view has two tabs for listing the users in the service queue:

  • Serving tab - Agents that are currently active in the service queue, are accepting service calls and are available. Talking agents are included.

  • All users tab - Total number of agents in the queue

Clicking on an agent expands their details:

  • User name and availability - Availability is indicated with a colored circle and text.

  • Active - Agent needs to be active to receive calls. Deactivated users are not receiving calls from the queue.

  • Free to receive calls - Agents are free when they are active in the queue and are accepting service calls. In addition, their availability status must allow service calls to be allocated and they must not be currently talking.

  • Accepting service calls - Agent is accepting service calls.

  • Ongoing call - Agent is having an ongoing call. Can be direct call or service call.

  • Talking on queue - Name of the queue, if agent is having a service call.

  • Wrap-up time - Optional feature. When service call has ended, wrap-up time is activated automatically by the system and new service calls are not allocated to the user during the wrap-up time.

  • Skill level - If the queue is using skill-based, then the numeric skill level of the agent is displayed.

  • Remove user - Remove the user from this queue.

  • Add users - Button at bottom right opens a new view where agents can be selected and added to this queue.

Queue groups (optional)

Optional function, not enabled by default. Please ask your supervisor or Enreach support for enabling this. Queue group management is done on VoiceHub and Voice for Windows while any created queue groups are displayed also on mobile app.

With queue groups, any number of queue groups can be created and queues grouped under them. This allows the users to see which queues belong to which group and therefore offers a more logical structure to queues. Queue groups can also be minimized to hide the queues that are not needed and making the queue list easier to handle.

Each queue group displays the group name and number of queues under it. Clicking on a queue group expands or minimizes the whole group.

If a queue doesn’t belong to any group then it’s listed under a group Ungrouped below all other groups.




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+358 40 450 3000,