Invoice Breakdown
This document provides a detailed description of invoice breakdown for subscription, telecom, and platform services, including user-specific charges and cost center analysis.
This tab provides a summary of an invoice breakdown, illustrating how various charges are structured for subscription services, telecom services and platform services.
Key components covered in the summary include:
Invoice Information – Displays the invoice number, billing period and total amount due, including applicable VAT rates.
Subscription Services – Lists different user roles/products and associated charges based on the number of users and service type.
Telecom Services – Covers charges related to fixed and mobile telecommunications per subscription product.
Platform Services – Details additional services fees such as IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and queue related charges.
Users- and Services-Tabs
The Users and Services tabs in the Excel formatted invoice breakdown provide a structured and hierarchical view of billing details, allowing users to navigate through different levels of information. The available levels in Excel format:
Cost Center Level – Provides an overview of expenses grouped by cost centers, enabling a high-level analysis of departmental or business unit spending.
User Level – Displays the total cost associated with individual users, providing a clearer overview of user-specific expenses.
Product Group Level – Product group categorizes products into groups. Product groups are listed per user at this level.
Product Level – Breaks down costs per specific product, offering insight into the pricing and utilization of each product per user.
Product Detail Level – The most granular level of information, presenting an in-depth breakdown of individual product charges, including usage metrics and any additional fees.
Detailed Description of Line Items in the Users Tab
The Users tab provides a comprehensive breakdown of service charges for individual users. Each line item represents a specific fee applied to a user account.
Below are the key types of charges detailed in this section:
Monthly fee = Recurring charges for subscribed services, billed at a fixed rate per user regardless of usage for full calendar month. If a user is created or removed in the middle of the calendar month, the full month's charge will still apply. Services included in the monthly fee are described in the service description (Enreach | Help Portal ).
Setup fee = A service setup fee, which is charged only once when service is activated.
Mobile call per minute = A standard domestic call charged at a normal rate. This applies to calls made to numbers that share the same international prefix but are not part of the same Enreach customership. Special rated calls, International calls and calls to Nation-Wide Numbers (yritysnumerot) are not included in this category. If a voice package is included, this line will not appear on the invoice.
VOIP call per minute = A domestic normal rated call originating from VoIP devices. This applies to calls made to numbers that share the same international prefix but are not part of the same Enreach customership. If a voice package is included, this line will not appear on the invoice.
Internal mobile call per minute = A call between customer's own subscriptions. If a voice package is included, this line will not appear on the invoice.
Internal VOIP call = A call between customer's own subscriptions originating from VoIP devices (for example Voice for Browser, VoIP = Voice over Internet/IP Phone).
Mobile network cost (mpm, mobiiliverkkomaksu) is charged for some special rated calls, international calls and calls to Nation-Wide Numbers (yritysnumerot). Network costs are not included in the call packages.
Voip network cost (pvm, paikallisverkkomaksu) is charged for some special rated calls and calls to Nation-Wide Numbers (yritysnumerot). Network Costs are not included in the call packages.
International call = A call made from a mobile phone in the home country to an international number, a VoIP call to international number or a WiFi roaming call. This refers to calls made to numbers with different international prefixes. Call charges for international calls are listed at Enreach help portal and are not included in the call packages (Enreach | Help Portal ).
Roaming mobile SMS = SMS costs per message while roaming outside EU area. These are not included in call packages. Charges are listed at Enreach help portal. (Enreach | Help Portal ).
Roaming data = A used mobile data outside EU area. Charges for used data varies between countries while roaming outside EU area and are listed at Enreach help portal. (Enreach | Help Portal ). Roaming data is charged per MB and is not included in data packages.
Roaming received call = A call received outside EU area. Charges are listed at Enreach help portal, and these charges are not included in call packages. (Enreach | Help Portal ).
Roaming mobile call = A mobile call made outside EU area. Charges are listed at Enreach help portal, and these charges are not included in call packages. (Enreach | Help Portal ).
Mobile FUP Overage occurs when the fair usage limit for domestic data is exceeded. Any data usage beyond this limit will be charged on a per-gigabyte basis.
EU Data Overage applies when data usage exceeds the allocated limit under the EU Fair Use Data package. The excess data is charged per gigabyte, following the pricing regulations set by the European Union.
Special rated SMS and IP payments (mobiilimaksu) are charged according to the rates set by the service provider. The applicable VAT percentage may vary depending on the service and will be communicated by the service provider. This VAT percentage is detailed in the invoice breakdown. Please note that these charges are not included in any call packages.
Special rated calls are billed according to the rates set by the service number owner. These charges are not included in any call packages.
Service -Tab
On the Services tab you can find company-wide product charges, such as:
Consultation work (work per hour)
Modification fee (support work per pcs)
Voice Analytics
Voice Monitor
IVR Queue related costs
CC Totals -Tab
On the CC-totals tab, you can find the total amounts by cost center/product category. Here you can easily review, for example, the total mobile expenses for Cost Center 1.
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