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Voice for Dynamics 365 is an embedded CCaaS solution. Use your CRM as a contact center without separate voice channels. All customer data is stored in one place to create a 360-degree customer view. 

User Guide

Voice for Dynamics 365 User Best Practices

  • Voice for Dynamics 365 web phone is supported using Chrome web browser. For the best user experience please use Chrome as your default browser. If your organization is unable to use Chrome browser please use Edge browser as a second option.

  • Please allow the microphone use / access by the Chrome browser.

When signing in for the first time you may be prompted for missing permissions

  • Microphone access is required to take and make calls

  • To be able to give permissions, you need to have a microphone connected.

Clicking on Enable microphone or Enable Notifications makes the browser prompt for permission:

  • Please save all phone numbers to Microsoft Dynamics 365 in exact E. 164 format.

E.g. +358123456789. This is the format that is needed to identify incoming callers and make click-to-dial outbound calls directly from Dynamics 365 phone number fields.

  • Voice for Dynamics 365 web phone shall be used in a single Dynamics 365 browser view / tab, where new views and pages are opened within the same single browser view / tab.

  • Avoid refreshing the whole browser view / tab (e.g. Ctrl + F5). Instead, if you need refresh information on the active page, use built in Dynamics 365 options (use refresh-button on the Dynamics 365 ribbon) for doing so. This ensures that Voice for Dynamics 365 web phone continues functioning as normal.

If you refresh the whole browser view / tab, the Voice for Dynamics 365 web Phone logs out and then logs in again. Active phone call is also disconnected and no incoming calls can be received if you refresh the whole browser view / tab.

Sign In

Voice for Dynamics 365 is automatically initialized after the user signs in to selected Dynamics 365 Application. During the initialization the Voice for Dynamics 365 communication panel gives the following information:

Authentication can happen in two different ways. This is a decision made by your organization which one to use, so you as an end user cannot change the way of authentication.

Standard authentication

Simple for the end-user.

No special actions are needed from you, the phone logs in seamlessly.

Modern authentication

Enables customer to use modern authentication method. Typically user's own Microsoft work credentials (AzureAD) with single-sign on experience.

The system is trying to authenticate you in a pop-up window. If the pop-up cannot be opened automatically, the system gives you instructions on what to do.

You can either

  • click the link at the top of the message to open the authentication pop-up manually, or

  • if you don’t want to manually do it on every sign-in, you can enable opening pop-ups automatically.

Enable opening authentication pop-up automatically

  • At the top of the browser, next to the address bar, click the notification icon.

  • Select the option Always allow pop-ups and redirects from

  • Click Done.

After this, authentication pop-up will be opened automatically and you will not see the screen anymore which prompts you to click to open the authentication pop-up.

Post-authentication sign-in process

Sign-in process takes some seconds during the login to Dynamics 365. After initialization and conflict check is ready, phone user interface becomes visible, calls can be made and received.

If phone is already in use in another window or browser tab under the context of same user, a message is displayed after initialization. If the phone works properly in the primary window, this message can be ignored.

Availability and Display Number

Please see: Availability and Display number

Upcoming Availabilities

Please see: Upcoming availabilities

Availability & User status Management in Omnichannel for Customer Service App

If the Dynamics environment is running Omnichannel for Customer Service App or Customer Service Workspace App with Omnichannel enabled (user status feature is available as in the upper right screenshot), which uses Unified Routing engine to distribute work items to the user, it is essential to keep user status of Omnichannel and Web Phone in sync. If the status of user becomes Do not Disturb – either because of reaching maximum capacity or the user manually changed the status –, the system automatically blocks incoming calls by setting the user DND in Web Phone as well.

When user status is changed when not in a call, status is mirrored between Omnichannel and Web Phone according to the following mappings:

OC state

Web Phone state


Available (0)


Busy (1)


DND (2)


OffWork (3)


Away (5)

When the agent is receiving or making a call, Omnichannel status is set to Do not Disturb, to prevent Unified Routing from distributing any work item to the user during a call.

When the call ends, Omnichannel status is reset to the value which was active right before the call.

Making and Receiving Calls

For Voice for Dynamics 365 Web Phone scenarios please see: Making and receiving calls

Click-to-Dial gives the possibility to make a phone call directly by clicking a button in D365 phone number fields. After the field is configured for the Click-to-Dial functionality it will have a specific icon as shown below.

Clicking the phone icon will initiate the outbound phone call.

By default, call details are automatically saved as phone call activity in Dynamics 365 for all answered calls handled via web phone integration for single identified customers. This occurs when the phone call ends. If customer was not identified or multiple occurrences exists – phone call form with pre-populated values will be shown when call is ended and needs to be completed and saved by agent.

Following fields are populated:

·       Regarding*

·       Description – is taken from the notes area in Voice for Dynamics 365 pane

·       Call From*

·       Call To*

·       Phone Number

·       Direction

·       Actual Start

·       Actual End

·       Duration

·       Call Recording** – URL will be automatically updated in 20-40 seconds after creation.

·       Call Arrived At***

·       First Answered At***

·       Wait time (until first answer) ***

* - Will be filled in only for the identified customer

** - If the phone call activity completed before this time, the link will not appear.

*** - Populated when there is an incoming call from a call queue / pool.

If the agent received an incoming call from a pool (queue), shortly after ending the call (in 20-30 seconds) the following fields get populated:

Call Arrived at: The date and time when the call reached Enreach’s infrastructure and entered a queue

First Answered At: The date and time the call was answered by a human agent for the first time

Wait Time (until first answer): The time spent (in seconds) in the queue, waiting to be answered by an agent

The fields are visible on the Dynamics 365 Phone Call form only when a value in the field exists.

Callback handling

Users can see the list of open callback requests by navigating to Queue Item view, e.g. by clicking Queues menu on the left within Customer Service Hub app and then selecting Open Callback Requests view. The user can – amongst other details – see for each callback request the number of callback attempts, date and time of last attempt and the number the callback request arrived from. Also, if a contact or account exists in CRM, a reference to the contact/account is added to the callback request.

A user can pick a callback request for handling by selecting the item (first column) and then clicking Pick on the command bar at the top. Picking an item is not mandatory to be able to make the callback, but helps to avoid conflicts between users.

The user opens the callback request by clicking on the item. Callback is carried out by clicking the button next to the phone number the callback request arrived from.

After the callback attempt, a phone call is created automatically to record the fact that an attempt was made. All attempts can be seen on callback request form.

The Callbacks tab shows all attempted and answered callbacks and notes (description) about the successful phone call. The user can also make a callback attempt by clicking the Call button above the grid of callback attempts. Callbacks tab also shows the related callbacks from the same number if there are any.

Call Controls and Transferring

Please see: Call controls and transferring


New Accounts, contacts, leads and Phone numbers can be saved to Dynamics 365 as users normally would. You can make an outbound phone call e.g. directly from the Contact forms phonecall field.

To activate Click-to-dial funtionality for D365 fields please see:

For Voice for Dynamics 365 embedded phone contacts please see: Contacts


Please see: Pools


Please see: History


Please see: Menu and settings

SMS Sending

Please see: SMS sending

Call Recording pause/resume

Please see: Call recording pause/resume

Call Supervising

Please see: Call supervising on Voice for Browser

Wrap-Up Time

Please see: Wrap-up time, Voice for Browser

Administrator Guide

Required User Roles & Privileges in Voice for Dynamics 365

  • End user needs to be activated as a user in Microsoft Dynamics 365 org. and also in Enreach Cloud.

  • End user’s Enreach Cloud user role must include Voice web phone usage in-order to use workstation-based phone use cases.

  • Voice User role privileges are required for the end-user in Dynamics 365. It is up to the administrators to decide whether the Voice User-role is added as a Dynamics 365 Team level-privilege or as a separate user role. The user role is included in the Voice for Dynamics 365 solution package.

  • Enreach Cloud User Id needs to be updated for all Voice for Dynamics 365 users. Please see the detailed instructions in the chapter Enable & Disable Users in Voice for Dynamics 365 below.

  • Voice ApiUser role is only needed for the application user. Please see:

  • Voice Admin User role privileges are needed for those Admin users who configure Voice for Dynamics 365 and need access to Voice for D365 Configurator App.

Enable & Disable Users in Voice for Dynamics 365

First: assign the new user with “Voice User” role in Dynamics 365.

The role can be found in: Advanced Settings → Security → Users or Teams, to be assigned for the D365 user.


Open Voice for D365 Configurator App


Changing any of the followings automatically triggers Enreach user ID update:

  • Setting Enreach Cloud User Email

  • Assigning Voice User role


User IDs can be updated manually as well:

Navigate to Users Settings and choose Update Enreach User Ids –button (at the top of the page)


Wait couple of seconds and Enreach User Ids should appear on the user list for the users that have same email address than in Enreach Cloud.

After updating the ids, if some user is missing the Enreach User id, then you need to manually update the correct Enreach Cloud Email to Enreach User Email field on the user record:

  • Enreach User Id – unique identifier of the user in Enreach Cloud

  • Enreach User Email (optional) - should be filled in if email user in D365 differ from Enreach Cloud

After the role is assigned and User Id set, the user is ready to use Voice for Dynamics 365. If your users also use the Enterprise Calls functionality, please see the needed steps here:

Disabling a Voice for Dynamics 365 user is done by removing the Voice user role from the selected user in D365 and the Enreach User Id from the configurator App.

  • For CIF1 (Classic Model Driven Apps) remove the Voice user role from the user.

  • For CIF2 (Multisession Apps) Remove the Voice User role and also remove the user from the Agent Experience Profile.

Note: If your organization is using some other D365 custom role or team based privileges with Voice for Dynamics 365 privileges included be sure to remove that particular role (or team membership) from the user.

User authentication

Authentication can happen in two different ways. This is a decision made by your organization which one to use, so end users cannot change the way of authentication.

Standard Authentication

Modern Authentication


Simple for the end-user.

Enables customer to use modern authentication method. Typically user's own Microsoft work credentials (AzureAD) with single-sign on experience.

User experience

Authentication happens automatically, within the iframe of phone widget. No special actions are needed from end user, the phone logs in seamlessly.

Authentication happens within a pop-up window.

User might be prompted to click a link to open authentication window, if opening pop-ups is disabled for the site.

Token issuer

Access token is issued by Enreach API.

Access token is issued by the Identity Provider (e.g. Azure AD) of your organization, leveraging Keycloak identity and access management solution as a fundamental intermediary.

Enabling Modern Authentication happens by a cooperation between your organization and Enreach. Please contact our support if you would like to use this way of authentication.

Our team will make any steps which are necessary to set up and enable Modern Authentication on your Voice for Dynamics back-end resources. When it has been completed, end users need to reload the Dynamics environment to re-authenticate using Modern Authentication.

Voice for Dynamics 365 Updates & New Releases

  • All updates for Voice for Dynamics 365 (after the first installation) are also done with the Package Deployer / Wizard! Instructions for the installation are available here!

  • Please contact Enreach support services and schedule a suitable version update date to receive the needed update packages from Enreach. Install the solution package on the agreed date and Enreach updates the back-end services accordingly.

  • Support services can be contacted here:

  • Release note information about the latest version of Voice for Dynamics 365 is available here:

Voice for Dynamics 365, release notes

Azure App Registration (possible) expiration and needed actions

If customer has not used the recommended Cloud Shell script to create the client secret with 100 years expiration (described in the chapter 1.2 below) it has to be renewed after 2 years. Microsoft limits the expiration of secret keys created on the user interface to 2 years if the script is not used.

It is very important for the customer organization to get automated expiration alerts from Azure if the App secret is about to Expire! After the expiration the connection between Enreach services and WebPhone is lost if it’s not renewed in time.

  1. Customer must send the renewed App registration information to Enreach before the expiration date so it can be updated in Enreach Azure tenant.

  2. After this the Voice for Dynamics 365 Back-end needs to be updated by Enreach deployment team with the correct App registration data (per environment if needed) for the integration to work.

The decision to use (or not to use) the Cloud shell script when installing Voice for Dynamics 365 is the decision of the customers IT organization. Customers' IT policies can have an effect whether the script can be used.

Enterprise Calls

Enterprise Calls enable phone call activity creation in Dynamics 365 for phone calls which were not already done and created by Voice for Dynamics 365 embedded webphone. Main use case is customer calls answered/made in another Enreach Cloud voice endpoint e.g. Mobile and Voice for Teams phone calls.

Phone Call activity creation happens automatically for Dynamics 365 users that have Enreach email address and id set in Voice Configurator. The user must also have mobile number set to user form in Dynamics 365. When user calls or receives a call to/from a user that is listed as a contact in Dynamics 365 the Call data is imported to Dynamics 365. By default calls that are classified as Work calls (Call information privacy setting in Voice Center side) are synchronized. Unclassified and Private calls are not Synced to D365.

How to enable Enterprise Calls (checklist):

  • User has Enreach Mobile subscription / services in use

  • Set email address for User in Dynamics 365 User form

  • Set Mobile number for User in Dynamics 365 User form

  • Set Enreach email and Enreach User ID in Voice for D365 configurator App

  • Enreach Voice Center -> Common settings-> Work Privacy default is set to: Work

  • Mobile number is saved to D365 user form in correct E.164 format (e.g. +358123456789)​

  • Customer Contact / Account information and phone number are saved (in correct format) to D365 before the phone call or after the call by the latest during the same office day. Those phone numbers that are saved to D365 after the call is made are synced to D365 overnight (between 10PM-11:30PM UTC)​

  • To make call Enterprise Calls synchronization work, DefaultCrmAssignee setting must be set properly in the Voice for Dynamics 365 configurator App (Please see the Configuration Guide instructions here:

Voice for D365 Configurator App

Voice for D365 Configurator App is the place where all the Voice channel configurations for Voice for Dynamics 365 are set and saved. The App is included in the installation package and can be found in Dynamics 365 Apps:

Please see the detailed information about the Voice for D365 Configuration App from Chapter 1.5.2 onwards:

How to configure ready-made plugins in Voice for D365 Configurator App for different Use case scenarios (Plugin Architecture)

Plugin architecture is a major new feature that will make the product more configurable and flexible to use. Customers can now modify and choose directly from the Voice for D365 Configurator App UI how the product will react to certain use cases and events. E.g. user-login, call-ringing, call-ended, etc.

From Voice for Dynamics 365 v1.2.0 onwards, the following section appears within Voice for D365 Configurator app:

It provides features to customize how the system reacts to certain call-related events. Detailed information about all available features and how to Configure Events and Implement Custom Plugins can be found on the following pages:

Correct way of activating or deactivating a built-in plugin:

Built-In Event Configurations are activated and deactivated by first opening (double clicking) on the event row that needs to be configured and then selecting the needed row(s) from the plugins area and then clicking on the activate or deactivate -button. Changes are saved instantly.


Smart Routing Scenarios

There are multiple ways to enable smart routing for Voice for Dynamics 365. Smart Routing setup is always dependent on the specific customer needs and use case scenarios. The best way to plan the smart routing setup is to consult both Enreach deployment team and the Dynamics 365 Integrator partner before the deployment & configuration of Voice for Dynamics 365. In this guide we present the REST API based model for smart routing.

By utilizing Smart Routing capabilities, calls arriving to a voice pool can be redirected to another pool or to a certain agent, based on data in Dynamics 365. For example if the call is coming from a number which is – either directly or indirectly – related to a VIP customer then the call can be redirected to a queue dedicated to such customers.

The following steps have to be carried out by the Dynamics 365 integrator partner to set up Smart Routing:

  • Create a JSON REST API, e.g.

o   MS Flow with “When a HTTP request is received” trigger

o   Azure Function App

o   Azure App Service with a REST API

  • Receive the data in the API (see below)

  • Query Dynamics CRM database according to business needs

  • Based on the queried data, return a response to redirect the caller (see below)

  • Send the URL of your webhook and authentication key to Enreach, together with the queue(s) where this functionality is needed. Enreach will then set up the queue to call the web hook.

The whole mechanism is visualized on the following diagram:

Please see the more detailed instructions for setting up smart routing here:


Rich reporting capabilities can be provided via Enreach Reports online reporting service and Dynamics 365 reporting & dashboards modules.

Enreach Reports online reporting service

Provides detailed direct phone call, service call and call center reporting. When purchased and configured for the customer, web based reporting tool is accessed via Voice Center by Enreach by users / admins with reporting manager rights.

Please see more details here:

Voice Analytics, user guide

Voice Monitor, user guide

Voice Data integration description

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Dashboards and reports

Dynamics 365 provides detailed reports for all the agent work and activities done via Microsoft Dynamics 365. All the saved phone call activities call details (on the form) and phone originated case data are available for native Dynamics 365 report creation.

Please consult your Dynamics 365 partner for optimal reporting solution for all your D365 needs.

Please see more instructions here:



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