Voice for Browser release notes
2024.5.2 (16 Dec 2024)
Changed: API -
event is now sent also after token expiration.
2024.5.1 (21 Nov 2024)
Added: Improved support for VoiceHub embedding with a new authentication method
2024.5.0 (18 Nov 2024)
Better contact search with multiple search terms, for example “john smith” or “jo sm”
Added support for strong authentication to display the caller’s identity (optional feature)
2024.4.3 (11 Nov 2024)
Internal improvements for VoiceHub embedding
2024.4.2 (09 Oct 2024)
Fixed: Calls fail when attempting to dial a phone number from the keypad without a country code while using an outbound service call role
Changed: enreach.com links have been updated to enreach.fi on the sign-in page and in the About view
2024.4.1 (17 Sep 2024)
Fixed: Issue fix and stability for logging
Improved ability to handle and recover from server-side disruptions
Fixed: The selected availability status may not always display as chosen when multiple entries of the same type, such as "Offwork," are present
Fixed: Unable to send SMS messages when using the Grammarly browser extension
Fixed: Call rejection was sending a 480 message instead of a 603 message
Changed: API - New events and methods related to programmatical logins and phone connections
Changed: API - Call-incoming event now includes both QueueNumber and OriginalNumber
2024.3.1 (12 Aug 2024)
Fixed: Consulted transfer was possible to do too early before the call was connected.
2024.3.0 (03 Jun 2024)
Added technical readiness for users to select their service role when making outbound service calls. This feature is not enabled yet but will be enabled later on a case-by-case basis for users. Read more about outbound service calls.
Added: Product NPS (Net Promoter Score) satisfaction measurement, which will be asked quarterly from randomly sampled users. This allows us to receive user feedback to improve our product.
Fixed: Call ended message bars at bottom of the phone can now be closed.
Fixed: API -
method fixed to include data when transferring a call.Changed: API -
method extended to include an optional parameter for making outbound service or callback calls.Changed: API -
method extended to include an optional parameter for forced logout without an alert popup.Changed: Voice Center settings link under the menu now points to VoiceHub settings instead.
2024.2.1 (19 Mar 2024)
Fixed: Ghost call issue - phone rings when no call is coming in
Updated: Keycloak component
2024.2.0 (22 Feb 2024)
Outbound service call and callback call programmatical methods added
On-hold function refactored which allows better support for reporting and other improvements
SMS: Added new separate drop-down for selecting SMS sender number. Not linked to Display number anymore.
SMS: Option for “Don’t show number” for SMS was not working and is removed
Fixed: Supervising tokens weren't refreshed automatically
Fixed: Enreach Identity sign-in flow improved when microphone permission is missing
2024.1.0 (08 Jan 2024)
Fixed: Pools view switches malfunctioning
2023.3.3 (13 Dec 2023)
Fixed: Call histories not always showing all calls
2023.3.2 (07 Dec 2023)
Changed: Alert sound not ringing on incoming call
Warning notification made smaller and texts improved
Added user option for toggling audio mode
Added user option for not showing notifications about the issue
See more at Keep audio devices always connected
Fixed: Incoming call notification was sometimes displayed for an outgoing call
2023.3.1 (21 Nov 2023)
Internal improvements
2023.3.0 (10 Oct 2023)
Added: Cover more busy tone cases
Added: Dutch language
Fixed: Remember opened tabs on Pool details Serving and All users tabs
Changed: Simplified how several UI views are closed
Changed: Language names now displayed in the selected language (i.e. English, Nederlands, Suomi, Svenska)
Changed: Second simultaneous consultation call is not supported and now prevented
2023.2.6 (03 Oct 2023)
Alert sound not ringing on incoming call
See more at Alert sound not heard on incoming calls
Added: Notify the user when this happens
Added: Configuration option for legacy audio handling
Changed: Voice Center Beta links now point to VoiceHub
Internal improvements
2023.2.5 (21 Aug 2023)
Internal improvements
2023.2.4 (18 Jul 2023)
Internal improvements
2023.2.3 (27 Jun 2023)
Fixed: Alert tone not ringing on incoming call
Performance improvements
2023.2.2 (29 May 2023)
Fixed: Salesforce SSO login - added new parameter to login method
Fixed: SMS was always sent from mobile number
Fixed: Contacts didn’t properly display an ongoing call
2023.2.1 (03 May 2023)
Supervising - silent listening
Display the name of pool where agent is talking
Alert sound volume slider
Fixed: Error message in console
2023.1.1 (21 Feb 2023)
Fixed: Incoming call alert tone missing after agent's outbound call was transferred
Added: Wrap-up events for D365
2023.1.0 (14 Feb 2023)
Version numbering changes to a calendar-based versioning with year in front
Microphone audio device changes to another device
Stop displaying red mic indicator on browser tab all the time
Should consume less headset battery and affect sound quality on other sound sources
In pools view, the pool arrow button no longer works
Pool number not displayed on hover in Pools view
Add missing availability check in pool details list
Setting polling time shortened
v1.8.3 (01 Jan 2023)
Improved support for Salesforce Service Cloud Voice
Fixed: Directory phone numbers with whitespace do not work when transferring
v1.8.2 (22 Dec 2022)
“No pool calls” status message at top bar was displayed incorrectly on v1.8.1
Display number button at top bar was not always visible on v1.8.1
v1.8.1 (12 Dec 2022)
Improvement for ghost ringing after a call has ended
Answering fails if slow connection to API
API performance optimizations
v1.8.0 (01 Nov 2022)
Sign in process now in two steps: separate views for email and password
Enreach identity capability added - new login process
Fixed: Adding the first service pool for user is not immediately visible
Fixed: User cannot end wrap-up status after refreshing and re-login
v1.7.2 (17 Oct 2022)
Internal improvements: new events and methods for host platforms. No visible changes.
v1.7.1 (07 Sep 2022)
Fixed: Support for HTTP/2
v1.7.0 (31 May 2022)
Pool details view - open pool to view users who are serving and their details
Availability status changes of the user are now handled faster
v1.6.1 (17 Mar 2022)
New login page layout - now in line with other Enreach Voice applications
Pool view is now sorted by pool name from a to z
Fixed: Missing audio devices now reported to user on login
v1.6.0 (13 Dec 2021)
Benemen is now Enreach. App now has new Enreach layout.
v1.5.7 (02 Dec 2021)
Standalone version only: Heads-up message on login page about coming Enreach layout
v1.5.6 (26 Oct 2021)
CallId was not passed to host platforms on outgoing calls
v1.5.5 (19 Oct 2021)
Unnecessary error displayed when finishing wrap-up time manually
v1.5.4 (08 Oct 2021)
CallId was not passed to host platforms such as Salesforce and Dynamics 365
v1.5.3 (07 Oct 2021)
When answered, the consulted call displayed original call’s controls. Should display consulted call’s controls.
v1.5.2 (28 Sep 2021)
DTMF codes from keypad could not be used on outgoing calls to certain phone numbers
v1.5.1 (28 Sep 2021)
Changed phone number validation to handle, for example, empty spaces
Call was disconnected when Windows default audio device is changed
v1.5.0 (16 Sep 2021)
New in this version:
Wrap-up time handling: see your own status and stop wrap-up
Play busy sound when call is busy or rejected
Display text after busy or rejected call
High availability: better handling of connection interruptions
Display service pool’s max. queue time as “mm:ss” instead of “x sec” or “x min”
Technical IVR service pools no longer display non-applicable numbers (serving, active, queue length etc.)
Warn user if they attempt to refresh or close the browser window
Indicate if call recording isn’t available
Improved visibility of last contact in directory
New Benemen brand colors
Contacts view didn’t always load more contacts when scrolled
Sending DTMF messages right after calling to service pool gave error message
Availability view was not scrolling
Display number view was not scrolling
Call recording player sometimes failed in Personal history
Issues with event logging when connection was lost
Technical “avasync” items are no longer displayed in upcoming availability view
Better handling of transfer number format when creating upcoming availabilities
Contact cards for service pools displayed “null” on contact’s name
Login error message disappeared after few seconds
Pools view was very slow to load when there are no pools to display
Scrollbar was displayed on standalone phone page when in history view
Incoming service call text overlapping with caller picture
Incoming call hidden behind availability view
Audio device drop downs overlapped other controls
Tooltips overlapping with buttons
Using mute caused next call to be muted
Call controls stuck when calling certain numbers
v1.4.4 (19 May 2021)
Bugfix on click-to-call
v1.4.3 (10 May 2021)
Bugfix on connection issues
v1.4.1 (18 Mar 2021)
See the highlights: https://benemen.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ENGINE/pages/1368621275
Availability changes
Add and manage future upcoming availabilities
Display contact's availability note text and end time instead of event type.
Display “In meeting 15.00” instead of “Offwork” if note text and end date exists
SMS sending
Send SMS to a directory contact, call history number or any given number
History view
Set call privacy to private or work in personal call history
Listen to call recordings
Missed calls are indicated as a badge in main navigation at top
Service pools
Service pool’s phone numbers are displayed as tooltip on the pool name
Other improvements
Swedish language support
Top bar availability and display number texts fit now better and have tooltip texts to clarify user’s status
Clickable email links on directory contacts
UI consistency: Minor changes on colors, font sizes, icons etc.
Phone became unresponsive if call was cancelled quickly
Allocation call type was shown as Not answered call type
Caller first name was displayed as Null in a particular scenario
Not all call history items were returned in some cases
Wrong message displayed when no pools found
v1.3.11 (12 Jan 2021)
Bugfix: Error was displayed when calling recipient’s work number who was in Busy status.
v1.3.10 (14 Dec 2020)
Bugfix: Call controls were occasionally disabled during an ongoing call
Bugfix: DTMF signals were not sent out on a consulted call
v1.3.8 (23 Oct 2020)
Notifications for incoming calls. Display a notification when incoming call arrives. The notification is displayed also when BeneVoice for Browser window is minimized or hidden by other windows. This requires notification permission in the browser.
Permission page. Microphone permission is required to use the BeneVoice for Browser. If user hasn't given the permission in their browser then a permission page is displayed after login. The page asks for the missing permission and explains why it is needed. Optional notification permission can also be given.
Call recording pause/resume. User can pause the recording of an ongoing call and resume it when needed. This allows the user to prevent the recording of possible private information given in the call, such as credit card details.
Bugfix: Call buttons disappeared in call history views
Bugfix: Mute/unmute issue fixed
Bugfix: When call is made from history view, the user picture was not shown
v1.1.0 (3 Sep 2020)
Bugfix on Personal history
v1.0 (31 Aug 2020)
New in this version:
New authentication scheme for Salesforce and Dynamics 365 users
Standalone phone login page has a new graphical layout
Error messages are displayed at the bottom of the phone user interface (bar at the bottom)
Contacts: If the user has access to multiple directories (sources of contacts) then the current directory can be selected at top of the Contacts view
Pools: If no pools are available then an information message is displayed
Contact name is displayed during a call alongside the phone number when a matching contact can be found from directory
Improved translations
Bugs fixed:
Fixed duplication issue with Personal and Pool history views
Incoming phone call did not always ring
Improved handling of call-ended events
Muting did not work in some scenarios
© Enreach, Mannerheimintie 117, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
+358 40 450 3000, www.enreach.fi