Voice for Salesforce, release notes

Voice for Salesforce, release notes

Release 1.55 (12 August 2024)

  • PRE-REQUISITE: Enreach user accounts must use Enreach Identity for user authentication.

  • New feature: Configuration settings allows limiting caller phone number based contact matching be limited to Business Contacts or Person Accounts. By default all type of contacts are matched.

  • New feature: Call details include Enreach cloud side of call transcript id, which streamlines speech-to-text transcription integration with Salesforce

  • New feature: Configuration option to disable automated case creation for outbound calls when Case phone workflow is used.

  • Bug fix: Fix the webphone ui issue where info notifications may hide some control buttons.

  • Enhancement: Webphone product nps feedback is send out with the updated product parameters

  • This package includes version 2024.3.0 of the Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration. If version is modified via configuration it must be set to version 2024.2.0 or newer

Release 1.54 (26 February 2024)

  • PRE-REQUISITE: Enreach user accounts must use Enreach Identity for user authentication

  • New feature: Support for true A caller source number identification when incoming services calls are set to arrive with voice queue phone number as A caller.

  • Bug fix: Service Calls feature module bug fix for the issue where scheduled job may fail and stop running due to too many soql row results returned.

  • Bug fix: Enterprise Calls and Service Calls feature modules bug fix for the issue that if there is plenty of calls from different phone numbers ending within the same minute not all of them are created into Salesforce in continuous sync window. Typically these are appearing to Salesforce around 24 hours later with backoff sync.

  • Bug fix: With version 1.53, users may not be properly notified of allowing microphone when login in for the first time, but users need to manually go to browser site settings and allow microphone for the page. This version fixes the issue and users are properly notified of allowing microphone. 

  • Enhancement: Service Calls feature module enhancement for filtering  'not answered' service call creation. Previously Enreach side 'entry service pool' must have been added to configuration in order to 'not answered' service call details be created. The filter is now enhanced that the 'last service pool' is primary requirement for call details creation. Only if the 'last service pool' is empty then the 'entry service pool' is required.

  • Enhancement: User - External User ID automated mapping to include user's email attribute in Enreach users configuration object record. Used for Enreach identity based user login to Salesforce embedded web phone.

  • This package includes version 2024.2.0 of the Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration. If version is modified via configuration it must be set to version 2024.2.0 or newer

Release 1.53 (24 October 2023)

  • PRE-REQUISITE: Enreach user accounts must use Enreach Identity for user authentication

  • New feature: Enreach Identity based user authentication to Salesforce embedded web phone

  • The package includes version 2023.2.5 of Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration. If version is modified via configuration it must be set to version 2023.2.5 or newer

Release 1.50.6 (7 February 2024)

  • Bug fix: Service Calls feature module bug fix for the issue where scheduled job may fail and stop running due to too many soql row results returned.

  • Bug fix: Enterprise Calls and Service Calls feature modules bug fix for the issue that if there is plenty of calls from different phone numbers ending within the same minute not all of them are created into Salesforce in continuous sync window. Typically these are appearing to Salesforce around 24 hours later with backoff sync.

  • Enhancement: Service Calls feature module enhancement for filtering 'not answered' service call creation. Previously Enreach side 'entry service pool' must have been added to configuration in order to 'not answered' service call details be created. The filter is now enhanced that the 'last service pool' is primary requirement for call details creation. Only if the 'last service pool' is empty then the 'entry service pool' is required.

  • Enhancement: User - External User ID automated mapping to include user's email attribute in Enreach users configuration object record. This is not actively used in the current design, but will be required to be in place when upgrading to Enreach Identity supported version.

  • This package includes version 2024.1.0 of the Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration. Please note that if customer has manually set the used web phone version that version will remain in use after the version upgrade.

Release 1.50.5 (28 September 2023)

  • Bug fix: Fix on the issue where clicking system level (outside of Salesforce browser page) visual incoming call notification may cause Salesforce component error to pop up on user's Salesforce view. (This feature was originally introduced in v.1.50.4). The issue is seen to occur starting from Salesforce Winter'24 release.

  • The package includes version 2023.2.5 of Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration. Please note that if customer has manually set the used web phone version that version will remain in use after the version upgrade.

Release 1.50.3 – 1.50.4 (24 August 2023)

  • New feature: System level (outside of Salesforce browser page) visual incoming call notification for all the incoming phone calls. Clicking the notification will open up Salesforce browser page where user can answer or decline the phone call. Requires that user has enabled browser notifications for the Salesforce browser page.

  • New feature: Click-to-dial outbound call activities have now improved automated ‘related to’ mapping. Automated ‘related to’ mapping covers now also scenarios where user does click-to-dial inside Salesforce Opportunity object’s Contact Roles view or Account Object’s Related Contacts view.

  • New feature: Enterprise Calls feature module improved and faster call activity creation. Call activities can now get created into Salesforce in around 1 to 2 minutes after phone call is ended.

  • New feature: Service Calls feature module improved and faster call activity creation. Call activities can now get created into Salesforce in around 1 to 2 minutes after phone call is ended.

  • Bug fix: Service Calls feature module Service Pool Queue custom field population is fixed adding now voice queue names accordingly in all the service call scenarios.

  • The package includes version 2023.2.3 of Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration.


Release 1.50.2 (1 March 2023)

  • Bug fix to ensure automated call task creation when scheduled jobs is not

available for immediate additional call details fetching job

  • Bug fix how background scheduled jobs are run when fetching additional call

details by leaving gap to the limits and rescheduling automatically when space

  • The package includes V1.7.1 of Voice for Browser embedded web phone. Customers can themselves update the used web phone version via Salesforce side configuration.

Release 1.50.1 (3 November 2022)

  • New feature - Advanced Call Details Interval can now been increased up to 1800 seconds. Previously maximum was 300 seconds.

  • New feature - embedded Voice for Browser webphone is now located outside of the package and the used webphone version can be updated via Tenant level advanced configuration. By default Voice for Browser V1.7.1 is used.

  • Bug fix on issue where Service Call- or Enterpise Call retrieval failed because of network issues or similiar we failed to reschedule the job. We now retry and reschedule the job.

  • Bug fix Service Call retrieval - when logging abandoned calls we failed to create tasks when the LastQueueName property was empty. Now abandoned Service Call tasks are created also if LastQueueName is empty, creation happens then based on EntryQueueName.

  • Bug fix Service Call retrieval - the functionality did not respect the record type selection.

  • Bug fix CallEndTime field was not always populated in the correct way. This has now been updated.


Release 1.49 (12 April 2022)

  • New feature - phone will be popup when a click-to-dial call is done.

  • New feature - CallTask creation for outbound calls - task is created on call start instead of end.

  • New feature - CallTask creation for inbound calls - task is created on call start instead of end.

  • New feature - Fetch Advanced Call Details when Queue recording enabled.

  • New feature - Enterprise Service Calls (similar to Enterprise Calls)

  • Additional branding changes related to Callback Configuration - changing from “Benemen Default” to “Enreach Default” - if Smart Routing and flows are being use make sure the naming of the configuration object is updated.

  • Recipient of error emails have been updated in the workflow email rules - if changed in subscriber org this may be reset.

  • New version of the WebRTC phone (1.6.1) minor fixes.

  • Bug fix update phone number on lead had issues.

  • Bug fixes (multiple) to Enterprise Calls

  • Bug fix multiple scrollbars sometimes visible around the WebRTC.

  • Bug fix improved error handling in multiple places.

  • Bug fix related to focus issues in Case Dialog

  • Bug fix in UI / display of queues in configurator.

Release 1.48 (27 December 2021)

  • Rebranding from BeneVoice for Salesforce to Voice for Salesforce and using Enreach naming and colors.

  • New version of the WebRTC phone (1.6.0) now with Enreach branding.

  • Multiple Click-to-dial improvements

    • Stops user from double dial (double click) or to start a call when all-ready on a call.

    • New configuration option for the user config; confirm dial on click-to-dial.

  • Enterprise Calls hot fix - call fetching is now delayed 2 hours.

  • Adding additional data fields to the Callback request.

  • Bug fix on an issue where the Authentication token couldn’t be updated.

  • Bug fix scheduling icons not showing the correct values.

  • Bug fix related to user configuration and advanced call detail retrieval for task creation.

  • Bug fix related to formatting of data in the Case dialog when using Salesforce Person Accounts.

  • Bug fix related to the display of call information from previous call when new outbound call is made.

Release 1.47 (15 November 2021)

  • New version of the BeneVoice for Browser (v1.5.6) included in this release.

  • Multiple changes related to stability and security improvements.

  • Bug fix on an issue where timeout sometimes happened when fetching the advanced call details.

  • Bug fix on an issue where columns in the title of the case dialog screen had been duplicated.

  • Bug fix on an issue on the tenant configuration screen where the visualforce page url could be wrongly formatted.

  • Bug fix on an issue with wrong formatting of the Queue Wait Time Sec fields.

  • Added the outbound call Anum to the advanced call details.

  • Added the Service Pool Queue Name to the Case / Task when created.

Release 1.46.1 (9 Sept 2021)

  • Bug fix on issue that caused RecordingRetviever Scheduled Jobs to get a next scheduled run after one year of the first run.

  • Customers who are affected by this issue need to also carry as Salesforce Administration task the deletion of the irrelevant RecordingRetriever Schedule Jobs. Instructions here: Deletion of RecordingRetriever Scheduled Jobs for 2022

Release 1.46 (26 May 2021)

  • New version of the BeneVoice for Browser (v1.4.4) included in the release.

  • Bug fixes on issues that in certain Call Transfer scenarios caused the Call Details not be saved on the Case/Task correctly.

  • Bug fix on a issue that in some scenarios caused a Call Task to be created and popped up while user had Case Workflow configured.

  • Bug fix on a issue that caused the some columns to show several times and incorrect grouping in the Dialogue page.

  • Following unnecessary Activity custom fields have been removed from the managed package: BenemenPhone__CallBack_ContactMessage__c, BenemenPhone__CallBack_ContactName__c, BenemenPhone__CallBack_RequestTypeId__c, BenemenPhone__CallBack_Status__c, BenemenPhone__Queue_Wait_Time__c.

Release 1.45.3 (16 April 2021)

  • Bug fix for the Permission Sets included in the package. Missing field level permissions added to the BeneVoice Softphone Permission Set.

Release 1.45.2 (22 March 2021)

  • Bug fix for the CallBack retrieval false positive error logging. In certain scenarios the CallBack retrival created error logs of false positive errors. Error logs caused email alerts to be sent out in case this feature was enabled. 

  • Enhancements for the overriding development released in 1.45.

  • Bug fix for the issue: The white background is missing from the BeneVoice for Salesforce configuration page.

Release 1.45 (9 March 2021)

  • Caller’s number (A number) is now populated to the Case when the case is created. Previously it was updated along the advanced call details.

  • Added a spinner on the BeneVoice configuration pages to ensure smooth performance

  • Enchancements on the error handling on CallBack retrieval process

  • Enabled phone workflows Contact&Account and Contact&Lead to function also on a non-console type of App. Enabled also automated Call Task creation to work properly.

  • Enabled New Account, New Contact, New Lead buttons to be standardly overridden from the object setup. BeneVoice Tennant configuration page has three new checkboxes to activate the object specific override: “Use Account Override”, “User Contact Override”, “Use Lead Override”.

  • New version of the BeneVoice for Browser (1.3.11) included in the release.

  • Removed requirement for BeneVoice for Salesforce users to have read access to Leads. Please notice that Contact&Lead phone workflow requires the user still to have Lead access.

  • Enabled Call/Task linking to Contact/Person Account in Enterprise Calls to be optional. On the configuration page Enterprise Calls there is a checkbox “Do not link Cases/Task to Contact or Person Account” to make the selection.

  • OmniChannel Fallback Status can be now set in the User Configuration. If the correct OmniChannel presence status can't be determined this is the value that will be set. If left empty "Offline" will be used.

  • Bug fixes on wrap-up time changing randomly in certain scenarios

  • Bug fix on issues on CallBack and Enterprise Call job starting issues and notifications in certain scenarios

  • Bug fix for a issue were in certain scenarios “Insufficient privileges, You cannot edit record:null” was shown to the user in the BeneVoice for Browser phone.

  • Bug fix for a issue that caused issues on the configuration page when Salesforce Critical Update “Enforce Access Modifiers on Apex Properties in Lightning Component Markup (Critical Update)” was installed.

  • Bug fix for a issue that required the User Config page to be reloaded for the latest changes made to appear.

  • Bug fix for a issue that caused in some scenarios when using the New Case button an incorrect contact and case to be related to the created call task.

  • Bug fix for a issue that certain locales (for example Thai (Thailand) and Chinese (China) were not supported. Now all locales are supported.

  • Bug fixes on several OmniChannel Presence Sync related issues:

    • in certain scenarios the presence changes were inconsistent

    • in certain scenarios the presence status was updated to status “Available” incorrectly

    • in a scenario where Agent declines an offered item during a call the presence status was reverted back to the previous status

    • in a certain scenarios where in OmniChannel Offline Presence a incoming call has changed OmniChannel Presence Status from Offline to Available or logged out from Omnichannel.

    • in certain scenarios the “In a Case” functionality was causing the agent status not to be updated to “In a Case” correctly and possibly also getting logged out of OmniChannel.

  • Known Issue: The white background is missing from the BeneVoice for Salesforce configuration page. This occurring after Salesforce Spring '21 update. It will be fixed in the next release.

Release 1.44 (23 Nov 2020)

  • Salesforce native Queue support for Tasks object has been added for CallBack Tasks. You can now set a Queue as the owner of CallBack Tasks.

  • New version of the BeneVoice for Browser included in the release

    • Please note that Notifications for incoming calls are not available in when using the BeneVoice for Browser inside Salesforce.

  • Set default Record Type for created Cases and Tasks. On User Level you can choose the Record Type for the Cases and Task are created from the Calls handled by the user. The default Record Type can also be set for CallBacks and Enterprise Calls.

  • Easier way to map the Salesforce User to the Benemen User on the BeneVoice User configuration page. If the Salesforce User email matches the Benemen user email the mapping will be automatically done. If not, the mapping can be done easily by searching the Benemen Users with name or email and then selecting the correct user.

  • The Benemen User configuration can be now saved for further use as a Template. When configuring a new Benemen User you can apply a pre-saved Template to the User.

  • Bug fix for issue preventing Presence Status Mapping in some scenarios

  • Bug fixes for error handling

Release 1.42-1.43 (26 Oct 2020)

  • WebRTC phone now logins automatically without opening the phone in the utility bar. The “Start automatically” setting on the Utility Item for callcentercomponentBeneVoice needs to be set true.

  • Enhancements to Call Details Retrivals

  • Bug fixes for several focus issues with tabs

  • Bug fix for tab openings including pinned tabs

  • Bug fixes for OmniChannel Presence Status

  • Finnish and Swedish Translations added for Custom Fields included in the managed package for Case and Task Object. Translation Workbench needs to activated

  • Benemen Voice Queue names are available as a configurable attribute in the Smart Routing configuration

Release 1.41 (7 Sept 2020)

  • New version of the WebRTC phone included in the release

Release 1.40 ( 1 Sept 2020)

  • Task records from calls are now created with with TaskSubType “Call”

  • New version of the WebRTC phone included in the release

    • Includes the login and authentication improvements for Salesforce users

  • Many bug fixes and small enhancements

Release 1.39 (27 May 2020)

  • WebRTC phone embedded

  • Enterprise calls feature, sync any BeneCloud phone call details to Salesforce

  • Many bug fixes and small enhancements

Release 1.34 (29 Nov 2019)

  • Dynamic Smart Routing

  • Enhanced click-to-dial contact&object relation

  • Optimized search performance wirth Standard Fields search type

  • Many bug fixes and small enhancements

Release 1.29 (16 Sept 2019)

  • CallBack functionality

  • Omni-Channel Presence Sync

  • Customer configurable Search&Info fields

  • Fine tuned call task creation options

  • Many bug fixes and small enhancements


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+358 40 450 3000, www.enreach.fi