Enreach for Salesforce Service Cloud Voice release notes
Release 2025.1 (14 February 2025)
Real-time transcription support in Voice Call records
Enhancements to the OmniFlow based routing to agent functionality
Enhanced smart routing to respect target queue schedules and exceptions
Enreach service role selection for outbound calls in Omni-Channel phone Voice extension
Enhancements to the user configuration and integration credentials management
Bug fix for issue where end call button falsely left in UI when call is ended
Includes Omni-Channel phone version 2024.5.1.
Release 0.8 (20 November 2024)
New User Configurator page to Enreach SCV Configurator App. Salesfroce Users are now mapped with Enreach side users via Configurator. Connector is still backward compatible with the old 'EnreachUsername' field on User object.
After Conversation Work (ACW) logic improvements related to SF Omni-Channel status change logic and Voice Call tab closing automation after the call.
Fixing agent config error handling to avoid not valid error notification when loading Omni-Channel phone
Includes Omni-Channel phone version 2024.3.1.
Release 0.6 (16 September 2024)
Salesforce After Conversation Work (wrap-up) functionality support.
Salesforce Respect Agent Capacity (beta) functionality support.
Advanced Smart Routing with Salesforce OmniFlows. Extends standard Salesforce OmniFlows capabilities. For example routing service calls to external (non-agent/-queue) phone numbers, enhanced call prioritization and provide Salesforce data based text-to-speech voice prompts for the caller.
Fixed the logic how the call is ended and wrap-up is handled when agent goes offline in Omni-Channel utility during ongoing phone call.
Fixed the swap() logic during the consultation call & transfer process when agent swaps to the original call before the consultation call is connected.
Includes Omni-Channel phone version 2024.3.1
Release 0.5 (7 June 2024)
Queues view in Omni-Channel phone widget voice extension. Enables agents to see their voice queue statuses and select in which voice queues they are serving.
Partner Telephony Contact Center Channel and Queue mapping functionality. Enables service calls visibility, controls and details natively within Salesforce data model and Omni Supervisor.
Queue data and call information for service calls in Salesforce Omni-Channel including Omni Supervisor tool visibility, voice call and agent work records.
Smart Routing capability with VoiceCall creation and Omni-Flow execution. Queue based smart routing support.
Release 0.4 (28 February 2024)
Call recording listening via Salesforce audio call player
Enterprise Calls, automated voice call record creation for phone calls handled outside of Salesforce Omni-Channel phone, e.g. mobile calls
Outbound caller id selection in Omni-Channel phone widget voice extension
Enreach Phonebook with unified availability in Omni-Channel phone widget
Includes Omni-Channel phone version 2024.2.0
Release 0.3 (22 November 2023)
The first production release
Salesforce Omni-channel phone UI and rich call controls
Salesforce Omni-channel availability including voice channel
Automated Salesforce Contact identification based on caller phone number
Service Cloud Voice phone call handling and automated Voice Call record creation
Call controls embedded on Salesforce page view
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© Enreach, Mannerheimintie 117, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
+358 40 450 3000, www.enreach.fi