Deletion of RecordingRetriever Scheduled Jobs for 2022
In the release 1.46 a bug has been identified that can cause Scheduled Jobs to get rescheduled for year 2022. This is not needed and these Scheduled Jobs can and need to be deleted as Salesforce has a governance limit of 100 scheduled jobs.
Edit (9.9.2021): Patch release 1.46.1 is available, and it's recommended to install 1.46.1 first and then if there are there Scheduled Jobs scheduled for 2022 they should be delete.
A user with System Administrator profile or similar permissions can delete the Scheduled Jobs.
Go to Setup and type Scheduled and click Scheduled Jobs
2. If the Scheduled Jobs list contains jobs where Job Name starts with RecordingRetriever and the Next Scheduled Run is for date in 2020, these can be deleted by just clicking Del in the beginning of the row.
It is normal functionality that there are some RecordingRetrievers that have the Next Schedule Run in the near future and these should not be deleted.
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