Service calls, VoiceHub

Service calls view lists organization’s all service calls and their details.

Details, event logs and recordings of service calls can be accessed.

Note: with certain user permissions, the user is directed instead to


This tab shows all the inbound service calls to your organization.

Service calls with outbound.png
  1. Inbound - all service calls received to your organization.

  2. Outbound - all service calls initiated from your organization.

  3. Time range allows you to search calls between start and end dates and times. The selected range must be 31 days or less.

  4. Entry queue is the queue where the call first arrived.

  5. Source number - Phone number can be used to search. Use the whole number or beginning of the number. For example, +35812345 or +35812.

  6. Filtering options opens a new dialog with more options. See below.

  7. Search by Call ID - A unique identifier for each call. It can be used to search for a specific call.

  8. Call events - View with organization’s service and direct calls, and their details.

The list can be sorted by any of the column headers. For example, you can sort answered calls at the top.

Please note: call recordings are not indicated on the list. Instead, you need to click on the call to open it’s details and the recording.

The list has columns for:

  • Arrival time - Start date and time for a call.

  • Result - Status where the call ended. See above.

  • Source number - Phone number of name of the caller.

  • Entry queue - Name of the queue where the call first arrived.

  • Last queue - Name of the last queue where the call was allocated.

  • Answering queue - Name of the queue where the call was last answered.

  • Answering user - Name of the user who last answered the call.

  • Wait time - Waiting time from call connect to first answer for the call.

Wait time column colors:

Positive - no color

Neutral - yellow

Negative - red

Positive - no color

Neutral - yellow

Negative - red

0-29 sec

30-49 sec

50 sec or more

List rows can be clicked to display call details. See below.

At the bottom of the list, pagination controls allow you to select how many rows are displayed at same time. You can then move between the pages. You can choose from different row amounts depending on how many rows your list has.



Filtering dialog is opened from Filtering options link.

A dialog is opened with options for detailed filtering:

Filtering options are:

  • User - User who was involved in a specific role in a call.

  • Role - If searching by user, show only calls where specific users were in a given role.

  • Call result is the status where the call ended:

    • Answered - Call was answered.

    • Not answered - Call was not answered. Red color.

    • Transferred - Call was transferred to an external target. Yellow color.

    • Off schedule - Call arrived at a closed service queue and was not handled. Grey color.

    • Ongoing - Call is still ongoing and final call result will change after the call.

    • Callback created - Call ended and a callback request was created.

  • Last queue - Last queue is the queue where a call ended.

  • Answering queue - The queue where a call was answered.

Call details, Event log, and Transcripts

Clicking on any row on the list opens the call details in a separate dialog.

At top of the dialog, you can choose between the three tabs.

Call details lists the same information as the list view described above. Additional information is displayed too, such as call duration and call recording.

Event log is a list of events for the call that took place from start to end. IVR selections, call transfers, call allocations, wrap-up events etc. can be found from the list. The list can be used to, for example, to find out why a call ended in a specific service queue, or to troubleshoot a failed call.

Transcripts shows the call recording as text. Please note this is an optional feature and may not have been activated for you. See more at


This view is similar to Inbound but displays all the service calls are initiated from your organization.

The list has columns for:

  • Timestamp - Start date and time for a call.

  • Result - Status where the call ended. See above.

  • User - Name of the user who last answered the call.

  • Queue - The queue name which was used when making the outbound call.

  • Target number - Phone number of name of the caller.

  • Duration - Length of the call.

Filtering options allow filtering for user name and call end result:

Call details lists the same information as the list view. Additional information is displayed too, such as call call recording and wait time.

Transcripts shows the call recording as text. Please note this is an optional feature and may not have been activated for you. See more at

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+358 40 450 3000,