Callback auto-allocation


When the user is receiving callback cases, the cases are automatically assigned one by one to the user. When a callback is assigned to the user, then a call can be made to the phone number of the case to handle it. There is no list view to see which cases are coming up or to select a specific case. Instead, the system decides which case is the most important to be handled first. This decision is typically based on a timestamp-based priority or due time where the oldest cases are offered first.

Users can receive either service calls or callback cases but not both at same time. During callback handling, the user does not get any call allocations from the service pool(s). The switching between receiving service calls and callback cases is handled manually by the user.

Callback auto-allocation was introduced in Voice for Windows version 1.9.0. The latest version is always recommended to be used.

Callback lists

Callback cases are assigned to serving users through callback lists. Administrators can define which users have access to each list. Callback cases can come to lists from different sources, such as service pool overflows or IVR selections. Actual callback list creation and configuration is not done on Voice for Windows.

The users handling callbacks can join and unjoin the callback lists the same way as joining to service pools. If you have joined a callback list and are active on it, then you are set to receive callback cases from that list.

Callback lists are in the left column under all service pools:

Each list has numeric information visible:

Serving - Agents that are currently active in the list and are accepting callback cases.

Open cases - All open callback cases including those allocated to agents and not ready for allocation right now.

Due in an hour - Cases that should be called within next 60 minutes.

Expires in 24 hours - Cases that are automatically closed after 24 hours and cannot be called after that.

A list can be opened to see the users of the list. Checkbox in front of each user is used to indicate if a user is active on the list or not. Users can be added and removed with the Users button.

Receiving callback cases

Receiving of cases can be enabled with Receive callback cases switch in the availability menu at top right:

You also must be in Available or Busy availability status to receive cases. Availability status of Offwork or Do Not Disturb switches off receiving of the cases. The same switch can be used to stop receiving the cases. If you have an ongoing call when you toggle the switch on, then you will be assigned a callback case during the call.

You can receive either service calls or callback cases but not both at same time.

Handling callback cases

When a callback case is opened, it is assigned to you and it is not available to anyone else. When the switch is enabled and there are callback cases available then a separate callback case window is opened. You are not able to reject a case to receive another one instead, but you are able to stop receiving them (see below).

At same time, a small notification is also displayed at bottom right of the screen:

Callback case window:

If you have large enough screen, you can position callback case window and main window side by side to have easy access to both the callback case and call controls.


This area displays the basic information about a callback case, such as person’s name, phone number, etc. and also when the case is due or expires. Possible related call recording can be played back.

Due - when the callback should be called

Expires - when the callback will expire and is automatically closed


After calling the case, the call status can be selected depending on the outcome of the call. Additional note or comment can be optionally given, for example, to let the other users know what was agreed during the call.

If call status of Busy, No answer or Other is selected, then the case is not resolved and will be offered again to another user. You can select a date and time when the case will be offered again.

Default value for the above date input changes depending on the selected status

  • Busy = current time + 5 min

  • No answer = current time +15 min

  • Other = current time + 1 hour

Date and time can be freely changed.


Possible previous call attempts are displayed here with their status, date, user name, note and call recording. Also all related callback cases (i.e. calls from same phone number) are listed here.


When a call is made, it can be classified. Classification schema is configured depending on your organization’s needs.


Call button at bottom left starts the call. Actual call controls are in Voice for Windows main window.


Save button saves changes to case and closes the current case. A new case is immediately offered to you if cases are available.

Related callback cases

If multiple callback cases exist with same phone number on same callback list then they are considered related. Related callback cases are grouped together and you can see the oldest case on History column as the Main case. Callback cases newer than the main case are closed automatically and only the main case remains to be handled by the user.

Main window controls

Show case button brings the callback case window at top if it is hidden behind other windows or if you had closed it earlier.

Stop button stops receiving of more callback cases and closes the callback case window. If the case was open, then it will be assigned to the next available user. If you are the only available user, you may get the same case back.

Automatic stopping

If you are not calling the callback case then receiving of cases is automatically stopped after a period.

This behavior can be configured per callback list and it is then forced on all users of that list. This is useful in preventing a user from holding on to a case when they are not actually handling it - or have just left their desk and not able to handle the case.

A timer will appear on the callback case window and main window to let you know when the receiving will be stopped:

After stopping, the case window disappears and the case is no longer assigned to you and is free to be assigned to another user.

If you have called the case and left the case window open, then it may also be closed automatically - depending on how the callback list is configured.


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+358 40 450 3000,