Handles service calls
Calls a service pool queue and the agent answers the call
There are two ways of starting the listening: from specific service pool queue or from Pool Queue users view.
First, start by entering Service pool queue management from Home viewFront page:
1. Specific service poolqueue
Open a service poolqueue:
Select an agent who is on an ongoing service call:
Click to Listen link:
Receive a notification and start listening from the notification:
2. Pool Queue users view
Go to Pool Queue users view (see more about Pool Queue users):
Find a user to listen to and click the user:
Click to Listen link:
Receive a notification and start listening from the notification:
Agents can be added and removed for supervising. When the agent is supervised, the supervisor will receive a notification every time the agent is on a service call. This way, the supervisor doesn’t have to check if the agent is on a service call as in the previous chapter. Users can be removed from supervising from this view.
Go to Pool Queue users and click on Supervising icon:
Select one or more agents for supervising:
User has been added for supervising:
Receive a notification when the supervised user is on a service call and start listening from the notification
Please note: Alternatively, a user can also be set for supervising from Pool Queue users view under the user.
Before calling, the supervisor needs to go to Supervising settingsnumber and set their supervising number (typically mobile number) which they will be using to call the supervising number. The supervisor can only use this number to listen to calls. User interface guides through this.
Supervising settingsnumber can be found by going to Pool users and then selecting Call supervising icon at top right:
Then Supervising settings can be found at top right:
at Settings at bottom of Call settings. You can access settings via side menu at front page: Settings
Supervising number setting:
If Supervising number has not been set, the supervisor will be notified about this and they can set the number or change it any time. Some examples:
Supervisor is always connected to the right call automatically. It’s possible to access the listened call only from this mobile phone with given supervising number. No unauthorized persons are able to listen to the calls. Only one supervisor can listen, whisper and barge in on the same service call at same time.
When the agent is on service call, the supervisor will receive a notification on their mobile phone: