Availability, Display number and Role selection


Current availability is displayed at the top bar together with the associated color (green, red or yellow). The availability can be changed by clicking on it and then accessing the availability view:

Your current availability status can be selected here. Typical options are Available, Do Not Disturb, Off work etc. Exact list of availabilities varies and is customized per organization.

Below the availabilities, you can select if you receive pool calls. See more at

You can also create upcoming availabilities. See more at

Display number

Please note: depending on your version and user settings, you may have Role selection instead of Display number. See below for Role selection.

The phone number displayed for your outgoing calls can be selected before making a call. Receiver of the call will see the call coming from the selected number. Your current display number is shown at the top bar and it can be changed by clicking on it:

A view with all selectable display numbers is opened and any number can be selected:

Your outbound calls now display the selected number until a new number is selected.

Role selection

Available on Voice for Browser 2024.3.0 and later:

You may have the role selection available instead of the Display Number option mentioned above.

With role selection, you can choose your role when making an outbound call. The selected role also determines which number is displayed during the call.

When using you first select the role, and a default display number is automatically set for you. For example, if you select a service queue as your role, the service queue’s default display number is automatically set. You can change the display number if the selected role has more than one option to choose from.

The selected role determines how outbound calls are managed.

Personal role

  • This is the topmost selection in the menu under Select Role

  • Your work, mobile, and other numbers are associated with this role

  • Calls and call recordings are managed as personal calls

Work role

  • This lists the service queues you can select as a work role, found below the Personal option

  • Outbound calls are handled as service calls

  • Call recordings, call data and post-call transcriptions are owned by the service queues

  • Your display number is automatically changed to the number defined in the service queue

An example below of how a role is selected.

  • Left Picture: Click at the top right to enter the role selection

  • Right Picture: Select a role

In role selection, the display number menu at top can be expanded, if you want to specifically select a different display number than the default one for the selected role:

An example about selecting the display number for a work role:

  • Left picture: Work role is selected and default number is selected as display number

  • Right picture: Personal role is selected and work number is selected as display number

See also more at

© Enreach, Mannerheimintie 117, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
+358 40 450 3000, www.enreach.fi