

User can create individual bookmarks by clicking the bookmark icon on the top right.

Bookmark function

Bookmarks refer to currently active filters. For example, if user has selected certain service pools and the current year, bookmark will store these selections. Bookmark will not store information on which the user was, when the bookmark was created.

Bookmarks can be deleted but not edited. Changing the existing bookmark filters, requires user to select that bookmark, modify the filters and create a new bookmark.

Bookmarks needs to be stored with unique names in order for them to work correctly.


Bookmark details

Bookmark requires following information to be added

  1. Title of the bookmark

  2. Description for the bookmark (can be same as title)

  3. Selection for personal vs shared bookmark. Shared bookmark are seen by other Voice Analytics users as well.

  4. Selection for “Use automatically when Voice Analytics is opened”. Activating this setting will automatically select the bookmark in question when Voice Analytics is opened.

Shared bookmarks cannot be used automatically on-open.


© Enreach, Mannerheimintie 117, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
+358 40 450 3000, www.enreach.fi