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Voice for Dynamics exposes a JavaScript API which can be called by any custom or out-of-the-box JS plugin to carry out certain tasks.

All functions within the API are asynchronous and the proper way to call is to use await statement or properly handle the Promise object returned.

Function name






query (string): path within Enreach API


postData (object): Object which gets sent as payload to Enreach API in a POST or PUT request


Sends a request to Enreach REST


If postData parameter is NULL then a GET request is sent, whereas any object passed here means a POST request. The object passed here is serialized as JSON in the request payload.

If method (non-mandatory) parameter is specified, it overrides the above logic to determine HTTP method.







  • aNumber (string): the A-number to set

Sets the A-number (the phone number the call appears to come from) before making an outbound









Creates an entity in Dynamics with a retry logic



  • entityLogicalName: Logical name of the table you want to create. For example: "account".

  • data: A JSON object defining the columns and values for the new table record.

  • maxRetries: Maximum number of retries, if the operation against Dynamics API fails. Optional, default value is 3.

  • delay: The amount of milliseconds to wait between two retries. Optional, default value is 1000 (1 second)

Microsoft CIF API works so, that from within the widget it sends a message to main window using window.postMessage() JavaScript method, and then waits for the main window to return the result in the same way. Timeout of this mechanism is 10 seconds, so CIF API considers the request as failed after not receiving any response in 10 secs, even if it actually succeeds after the timeout. As a result, retrying might create duplicates in Dynamics, so this API feature must be used only if duplicates don’t cause serious problems.



Updates an entity in Dynamics with a retry logic



  • entityLogicalName: The table logical name of the record you want to update. For example: "account".

  • id: GUID of the table record you want to update

  • data: A JSON object containing key: value pairs, where `key` is the property of the table and value is the value of the property you want to update.

  • maxRetries: Maximum number of retries, if the operation against Dynamics API fails. Optional, default value is 3.

  • delay: The amount of milliseconds to wait between two retries. Optional, default value is 1000 (1 second)


The purpose and usage of the method is identical to the underlying API provided by Microsoft, the only addition is the retry logic.


Retrieves an entity from Dynamics with a retry logic



  • entityLogicalName: The table logical name of the record you want to retrieve. For example: "account".

  • id: GUID of the table record you want to retrieve

  • options: OData system query options, $select and $expand, to retrieve your data.

  • maxRetries: Maximum number of retries, if the operation against Dynamics API fails. Optional, default value is 3.

  • delay: The amount of milliseconds to wait between two retries. Optional, default value is 1000 (1 second)

Microsoft CIF API works so, that from within the widget it sends a message to main window using window.postMessage() JavaScript method, and then waits for the main window to return the result in the same way. Timeout of this mechanism is 10 seconds, so CIF API considers the request as failed after not receiving any response in 10 secs, even if it actually succeeds after the timeout. As a result, retrying might fetch the same record multiple times from Dynamics, so this API feature must be used only if it doesn’t cause serious problems.



Executes a request (e.g. an action) against Dynamics API.