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Phone numbers are unique identifiers assigned to each queue and IVR to manage incoming calls effectively. It is essential for every queue and IVR to have a designated number for call routing purposes.

Table of Contents

The phone number is a designated number assigned to a queue and IVR for directing incoming calls. Every queue and IVR has to have a number set. Start by adding a new number.

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Normal phone number type

The “normal” type is a standard phone number with a country prefix.

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Subscription type

The number has to have a subscription that defines the numbers charging and country.

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Phone number

The numbers are filtered by the subscription type.

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Public directory info

Public directory info refers to the information displayed in a public directory related to phone numbers, such as and 118. It determines the details presented in the directory, such as whether a number is public or secret. The “Public directory info” details are determined in the profiles listed as public directory information in the Voice Portal.

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