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Short overview video is available ( in Finnish) here .

Pools view lists all the service pools sorted alphabetically ascending by pool name:


At top of the view, pool list can be filtered with the search function. For example, entering text “sales” would show only the pools with “sales” in their pool name.

Show joined pools switch shows only the pools you are member of.

Service pool list contains has the following infocolumns:

  1. Pool name - Click to open pool dialog

  2. Incoming accepted - Shows service pool's current status. Yes - calls are accepted, No - calls are not accepted, Custom - call-specific decision.

  3. Serving users - Agents that are currently active in the pool, are accepting service calls and are available. Talking agents are included.

  4. Free users - Agents that can immediately be allocated to. Agents are free, when they are active in the pool and are accepting service calls. In addition, their availability status must allow service calls to be allocated and they must not be currently talking.

  5. Total users - Total number of agents currently active in the pool and accepting service calls, regardless of their availability or talking status.

  6. Ongoing - Currently ongoing calls from this pool

  7. Queue length - Number of calls in waiting for service. Call is counted as queueing, until it is either answered, ended or transferred onwards.

  8. Age bonus - see below.

  9. Max wait time - Wait time of the caller who has waited the longest for service. Count resets every time caller enters a pool, for example when a call is transferred to another pool.Action column - User icon opens

Column headers can be clicked to sort the pool



Some columns have a cell background coloring to indicate their status:


No color



Serving users

>= 4 users

1-3 users

0 users

Queue Length

0 calls

1-2 calls

>= 3 calls

Max wait time

0-30 sec

31-60 sec

>= 60 sec

User dialog


Pool details

Pool details can be viewed by accessing them accessed from the grid pool list by : clicking on a pool name


from the user icon at the right side of the grid

User dialog .

New view is opened, and it displays more details about the users in that pool:.


The title of the dialog is the pool name. Previous and Next buttons allows moving between the pools without closing the dialog.


  • Pool name is displayed at top

  • Pool phone numbers are listed below the pool name

  • Numbers displayed in boxes are the same as on the service pool list (Serving users, Free users, etc.)

  • Dialog has a grid displaying A user list displays the current users in the pool

The dialog contains user list has the following columns:

  1. Active - Checkbox for activating, deactivating and deactivating removing the users of the pool. Deactivated users are not receiving calls from the pool. Checking and unchecking the checkbox saves the change immediatelySelecting any checkbox reveals the action buttons at bottom of the screen. Depending on your permissions, you may not be able to select some of the rows.

  2. User photo availability and availabilityname - Availability is indicated with a colored circleUser - Name of the user

  3. Free - Yes/No: Agents are free when they are active in the pool and are accepting service calls. In addition, their availability status must allow service calls to be allocated and they must not be currently talking.

  4. Ongoing call - Yes/No: The agent is having an ongoing call in this pool

  5. Accepting service calls - Yes/No: The agent is accepting service calls.

  6. Skill level - If the pool is using skill levels, then the slider is displayed for setting the skill level of the agent. Moving the slider saves the change immediately. 

Active users are displayed at top of the grid sorted alphabetically a-z by user name. Below them, the inactive users are listed and sorted alphabetically a-z.

Clicking the button Manage pool users opens a view where users can be added and removed from the pool.


Manage pool users

The view has two boxes with users.


Column headers can be clicked to sort the list.

Buttons at top right can be used to access settings and to add users:


Add users to pool

This view lists users who can be added to the pool.


The right side box lists all current users of the pool.

Users are added to the pool by selecting them from the left side and moving them to the right side with Add button.

Users are removed from the pool by selecting them from the right side and moving them to the left side with Remove button.

Save and Cancel buttons at the bottom are used to save or discard any possible changes. Both return to user dialog.

Service pool priority

Settings tab in the opened service pool view contains a slider to with checkboxes. Selecting any checkbox reveals the Add button at bottom of the screen.



Settings button opens a dialog where age bonus can be changed if that feature is available for the pool.

Age bonus - service pool priority

Settings dialog contains a slider which is be used for defining a service pool's priority. The priority is defined using Age bonus (seconds) setting. A An age bonus is used to prioritize service calls between pools. The age bonus makes the calls appear “older” than they actually are. The default value is 100 seconds. A higher age bonus means that calls in the pool are prioritized first since they appear older and are allocated first to serving users.

If there are already calls in queue, then changing the priority value does not change the priority of existing calls in queue.


Cancel and Save buttons at the bottom are used to save or discard any possible changes. Both close the dialog.
