Once you have been able the access the BeneVoice Monitor via your BeneDesk account you will be forwarded to this default page
BeneVoice Monitor default view on open.
Update interval for all views is 1 seconds and the latency of the data is approximately 3-5 seconds. In practice this means:
Service pool group level status
This view is based on summarized service pool data and reacts to the selected service pool filters. User filters do not have any correlation to these KPIs. The dimension used for summarizing the group level status is based on the service pool grouping / naming, configurable in BeneDesk. Definitions and KPIS follow the same principle as in “Total level” -view.
Service pool location level status
This view is based on summarized service pool data and reacts to the selected service pool filters. User filters do not have any correlation to these KPIs. The dimension used for summarizing the group level status is based on the service pool location naming, configurable in BeneDesk. Definitions and KPIS follow the same principle as in “Total level” -view.